The University of Toulon, with the support of the Erasmus Mundus+ Programme of the European Union, organizes the “Bio-inspired & Marine Robotics” Marine Robotics Symposium on 14 & 15 June 2022, which will bring together international scientists, industrialists, professors and students from the Erasmus Mundus MIR (Marine &Maritime Intelligent Robotics) programme on the Toulon campus. The MIR master’s degree combines robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of advanced marine and maritime sciences and their technological applications. It offers advanced training in applied robotics aimed at improving the efficiency, safety, security and environmental performance of the offshore industry and maritime operations. This year’s class includes 24 students of 14 different nationalities from 5 continents. The close collaboration with research organisations and industrialists in the marine robotics sector is the strength of this Master’s degree, which ensures that young graduates have opportunities for employment in France and abroad in a sector in rapid evolution.
The Symposium will bring together our three partners of the Consortium: Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige (NTNU) in Norway, Universitat Jaume I (UJI) in Spain, Universidade de Lisboa (IST-UL) in Portugal as well as two keynote speakers Prof. Maarja KRUUSMAA from Estonia and Prof. Jorge DIAS from the United Arab Emirates, research organisations such as IFREMER, French and international academic and industrial partners in order to exchange on the themes of marine robotics, share the activities of the Erasmus Mundus MIR Master’s programme which took place this year and present the work of the students of this first promotion.